MMCA's year included partnerships and initiatives honoring multicultural media excellence

The Multicultural Media & Correspondents Association (MMCA) recently wrapped up a "tremendously successful year," according to David Morgan, co-founder and president.

In 2022, he said,MMCA:

  • Developed the BIPOCXChange, a single-solution platform for connecting BIPOC media professionals with each other and with stakeholders wanting to invest, support and do business with them.
  • Teamed up with the Reynolds Journalism Institute to launch the Equitable Media and Economies Initiative, a national effort to promote and fund BIPOC community media organizations as critical civic infrastructure.
  • Mobilized more than 140 BIPOC publishers to urge federal regulators to modify the Community Reinvestment Act and incentivize banks to invest in equitable media.
  • Collaborated with some of the nation's leading community development and financing institutions to highlight the benefits of investing in and partnering with BIPOC media as part of their community development, DEI, and community engagement strategies.
  • Championed diversity and honored multicultural media excellence through events like our Multicultural Media Correspondents dinner and CBCF-ALC media diversity awards reception.
  • And we partnered with the DC Entertainment Office to launch DCXMetaverse Summit.

In gratitude,

Multicultural Media & Correspondents Association Team 


MMCA Multicultural Media & Correspondents Association CBCF-ALC media diversity awards DCXMetaverse Summit DC Entertainment BIPOC Community Reinvestment Act Equitable Media and Economies Initiative Reynolds Journalism Institute David Morgan Multicultural Media Correspondents BIPOCXChange BIPOC publishers

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