The Chicago Minority Supplier Development Council (Chicago-MSDC) and its Minority Business Enterpr...
By Kayla Carnes When asked about the significance of a career transition, many leaders might ...
Austin, TX - During its recent Annual Stakeholders' Meeting, Nicole Navarro Velesiotis was ele...
MBN USA Corporate / Supplier Diversity

SMSDC's MBEIC Lunch & Learn also reveals how to be bankable

Join us on August 25th for the MBEIC's Lunch & Learn: Learn How to do Business with JP Morg...
Pamela Nelson is founder, president and CEO of Plano, Texas-based Bracane Co. Inc., a health care re...
Join us for our 2022 Annual Stakeholders meeting Feb. 24, 2022, 11:30 a.m.-2:30p.m. Register he...
MBN USA Business News

The event will take place Dec. 2

Lunch & Learn is a series of events hosted by your Minority Business Enterprise Input Committe...
What was is not what is. And good enough was never good enough. Now it’s time to get back, not to ...
Tell us a little about your background. I am a proud graduate of one of the HBCUs [historically...

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