By James H. Lowry
As I have shared in previous articles, I genuinely believe the CEOs of major corporations are sincere in wanting to assist minority business enterprises or MBEs grow. I have been in board rooms where the same CEOs admonished their top executives for not achieving their own stretch internal minority and women spend goals. However, after the meetings are over, programs are designed and monies are allocated, there is limited progress on both local and national levels. Over the years — in my many reports and books — I have provided in-depth analyses on why this limited progress has occurred. But recently, after being immersed in many of these programs and reflecting on the events of 2020, I have concluded the biggest reasons are:
1. Most corporations perceive MBE development with a philanthropic mindset.
2. Top corporate
management is conflicted with respect to what targeted groups to assist —
small, large or potential large businesses.
In the remainder of this
article, I will address each one of these problem areas and make
recommendations on how corporations can achieve ambitious goals for both small
and potentially large MBEs.
Most corporations
perceive MBE development with a philanthropic mindset
When the first major MBE
programs were designed in the 60s, they were created in times of urban riots,
corporate distrust, economic decline and high unemployment rates, particularly
in Black and Brown communities. In response to these conditions, many programs
were designed quickly within government agencies and corporations.
Over a 60-year period,
many of these programs have been redefined, grown and, in many cases,
discarded. There have been good intentions, but the programs were not designed,
supported and driven with the similar corporate focus of profit-driven projects.
Thus, they had limited success and have not had a major impact on the social
injustice they originally identified e.g., limited economic development,
reduction of crime, lack of jobs, poor health conditions, weak education
programs and high unemployment.
Upon reflection, I
strongly feel if top executives within corporate America had attacked the
opportunity of advancing MBE development the same way they did when they were
faced with problems in maintaining market share, global competition and driving
government policy, the results would have been different after 60 years. The
basic rules of the game should have been:
1. Establish your
overall minority business goals to achieve parity by the year 2000.
2. Define the five to
seven critical steps to achieve the goals.
3. Allocate the required capital and resources to achieve the goals.
4. Assign your top executives to design the plan.
5. Monitor success by utilizing business metrics.
6. Reward the deserving
executives for positive results or demote or fire them for negative results.
Let’s assume if this
simple formula had been followed by the Fortune 100 starting in 1961, we might
not have achieved parity, but we would have achieved greater success and our
urban areas would have been stronger.
Top corporate management is conflicted with respect to what targeted groups to assist.
I accept that most of
these minority businesses in the United States are small and play a significant
role in the U.S. economy. And we all witnessed the same small businesses owned
by Black and Brown people have been suffering disproportionately during this
COVID-19 pandemic. These companies should be helped — quickly and dramatically.
Even with substantial and immediate help, are these companies collectively
stabilizing low-income communities, increasing employment dramatically,
creating and finding founders capable of competing globally? We all know the
answer to this question. The other question we must ask is should they receive
support directly from big corporations? This responsibility should abdicate to
government agencies and nonprofits. These two organizations are better able to:
1. Establish local
2. Train MBEs.
3. Identify community
development financial institutions or CDFIs.
4. Advocate for small
5. Design and execute
training programs.
The biggest
contributions corporations can make are funding nonprofits, ensuring quality
service and keeping government mandates honest. Major corporations should focus
on growing the biggest and most qualified MBEs. This growth will:
1. Position MBEs in
global growth markets.
2. Facilitate joint
ventures with minority and nonminority businesses.
3. Create spin-off
4. Urge large banks,
foundations and individuals to invest in existing and potential MBEs.
5. Produce critical data
and research.
6. Establish collective
major societal goals.
7. Help train the next
generation of Black and Brown CEOs.
Major corporation, major
Major change in
low-income urban and rural communities will only occur when many midsize and
large businesses are owned by minorities. These companies will be able to
provide jobs and viable subcontractor opportunities, elevate themselves within
the U.S. economic system and create hope for our youth. Major corporations with
a long-range view on economic development and business perspectives can be the
catalyst for effecting this change.