Harriet Michel

MBN USA Corporate / Supplier Diversity

NMSDC awards honor 'exemplary' supplier diversity leaders

NMSDC Annual Awards Recipients Recognized in Atlanta National Minority Supplier Development Cou...
By M.V. GreeneTerri Quinton and Roderick Rickman operate vastly different businesses but have much...
The National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) held its 50th Anniversary Conference &...
By M.V. GreeneAs the National Minority Supplier Development Council Inc. wraps up its golden jubilee...
Retired Frito-Lay International president and CEO James O’Neal’s entry into the supplier-diversi...
NEW YORK — The National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) is excited to announce the l...
MBN USA Corporate / Supplier Diversity

Ying McGuire reflects on year one as NMSDC CEO/president

Today marks my one-year anniversary as the CEO and president of NMSDC. Frankly, it has been one of t...
MBN USA Corporate / Supplier Diversity

At 50, legacy of NMSDC endures

By M.V. Greene At 50 years old this year, the National Minority Supplier Development Council In...
Intersection of Value & Values Webinar Series:Join us for Part 2 of our discussion with Harriet ...
Join RGMA for a two-part discussion with Harriet R. Michel, the most impactful leader in the hi...

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