Supplier diversity

American Honda Motor Co. Inc. recently partnered with the Women’s Business Enterprise National C...
MBN USA Corporate / Supplier Diversity

Five-star program recognizes supplier excellence

TexCorp Communications Inc. — publisher of MBN USA and MBN Texas — is proud to announce the la...
M.V. GreeneIn corporate supplier diversity, buy-in from the top — the C-suite — is always talk...
By Tony McMurrayRelationship-building is a key component of expanding access for diverse suppliers,...
Bank of America’s Supplier Diversity & Responsible Sourcing team is pleased to announce applic...
When Jacqui Spicer joined Oncor Electric Delivery Co. LLC full time in 2010, she already had three...
MBN USA Corporate / Supplier Diversity

Wells Fargo names Ronald Tate head of supplier diversity

Wells Fargo & Co. recently named Ronald Tate Jr. head of supplier diversity and supply chain s...
Bank of America’s Supplier Diversity Small & Diverse Business Scholarship is designed to prov...
MBN USA Corporate / Supplier Diversity

Corporate investments in supplier diversity remain strong

Enterprises continue to view supplier diversity as a value-generating supply chain strategy and are...
MBN USA Corporate / Supplier Diversity

Building relationships with MBEs is key to their success

By Guest Writer Reuben Essandoh, director, supplier diversity, Capital One Financial Corp.The winni...

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