MBN USA Corporate / Supplier Diversity

A season to renew our passion and purpose

By Sharon Patterson, president and CEO, Billion Dollar Roundtable Inc. We’ve all heard the ...
By Melissa Lowery Terrez Thompson never intended to become a leader in supplier diversity, but...
By Tonya McMurray Pacific Rim Capital Inc. has established itself as a viable competitor to bi...
MBN USA Trailblazers and Leaders

Chick Lee leaves legacy of advocating for MBEs

Charles “Chick” Leroy Lee Jr., a prolific entrepreneur, recently died at the age of 77. He was ...
By Stacey Key, president and CEO, Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council[Editor’s note: Re...
By Michele Ruiz, co-founder and CEO, BiasSync Much of the conversation around diversity, equi...

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